For the second consecutive year, we signed up to participate in the All American Junior Show. This touring event was in Indianapolis last year and we as a family fell in love with the entire event. So to participate in 2019 was a must for all of us and we packed the trailer to head west to Hutchison, Kansas. It was a long journey to Hutch but what a rewarding experience for all of the showman as it is so much more than just a competition.

The format for the younger kids is a camp opportunity each morning where they can participate in beneficial learning sessions that will help them better understand their animals. The sessions include games and hands-on projects that keep it fun. Outside of the sessions, the kids can participate in a virtual sheering opportunity, judging competition that puts their skill against the actual judge's score, as well as showcasing their skills in a Skill-a-thon. In conjunction with the show, there is also a 3 on 3 Basketball tourney.

As a welcomed addition this year, the organizers planned an evening at a local community swimming pool that had water slides and it was a big hit for all the showman. It may just be my perspective but I love the idea of being able to get out in the community we are visiting and explore away from the barn. It is for that, that I am very excited to head to East Lansing, Michigan this July if we are able.
As for the show, it was again a very competitive and nationally driven show. Crowds made the trip to Kansas with over four hundred Southdowns being entered I believe. Landrey did a great job making it through the first cuts of the showmanship on Friday morning and ultimately found herself on the edge of a top-five finish, coming in seventh out of a group of forty. Each time she gets in these big groups, she gets better and finds a way to learn from her experience.

As for the show, we had two top-five finishes and two top-ten finishes with the four sheep we took to Hutch. To finish in the top ten in group of thirty and forty is pretty awesome and we don't take it lightly. "Okie" our Southdown lead the way with a third in her late February class. "Rebel" our Fall Hamp was 4th, "Sparkle" the January was 9th and "Twinkle" the March was 10th.

Logistically this was a pretty big trip for us. 10 hours on the road with the animals in the heat required additional stopping and more planning. We worked to stop every ninety minutes so we could rewater and drench them int he heat, we also aimed to travel through the night with Terry and I arriving in Kansas at four in the morning.
Adding up the hours, the miles, the money, and effort surely could make for a daunting task but this event seems to live up to the billing each year and we just love it. If you are a show family and you are looking for a sheep show to attend, mark your calendars for the All American Junior Show.
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