North American Recap

It is amazing how quickly the North American seems to come and go so quickly each year.  After a break between the Indiana Stock Show in September and Louisville the third weekend in November, we were ready to load up for one more trip in 2020.  Seeing our friends we have made over the years and meeting new friends truly puts the punctuation on the weekend.

Friday, Landrey kicked off her weekend with Showmanship.  Of all of the classes she participates in, this is the most nerve-racking for all of us as it truly comes down to her effort and ability to showcase her hard work. The classes were divided by age, so more than thirty, seven year olds hit the ring to give it their best shot.  When the judge made her sift to ten, we were elated to see Landrey make the cut and see the determination in her face as she kept striving to be her best.  In the end, she finished second in the group and received a ribbon for her efforts. This is her highest finish in a National show for Showmanship. 

Saturday morning we got to work early with a plan for a full day of showing our Hampshires.  We had two Ewe lambs to show and in the large show format it is very difficult to know exactly what time the class will hit the ring.  The North American is the premier show, so classes of thirty were common and in some cases below the average number of registrants.  A judge has to be diligent and in doing so the classes take a while.  This is fatiguing for the animals and showman as they have to be on for the judge.  We had a wonderful day with two top-five finishes and left the Expo Center excited to return for our final day of showing on Sunday.

5th January Ewe Intermediate
5th March Ewe Late

Thirty three ewe lambs filled the pin for the Late February section of the Southdown class. We were excited to see how our Ewe, "Okie" would present against the national competition.  Tenth place was where settled in an absolutely stunning field of lambs. They looked great and Okie really held her own. 

Upon the completion of the class, it was time to load up and head back to Indiana.  Saying goodbye to our friends for several months is tough, but saying goodbye to the animals is often the hardest.  Loading Okie into the pin for the Oldenburgs to take back to Oklahoma for breeding was very difficult for Landrey.  These animals become a part of our family and are more than just pets.  It goes without saying the bond the showman builds is one full of trust and a strong bond so the departure stings all the more. 
